import WeaponsList from '~/components/WeaponsList.vue'
You have picked up a few Tricks for Melee Weapons
Rather than spending skill points to move up skill levels, You may instead spend skill points to purchase any of the following tricks.
You have picked up a talent for Blunt Weapons
Cost: 2 Skill points
Requires: Tactical Training
Effect: Stun, Opponent Grit check vs your attack roll or loses 1 action.
Cost: 2 Skill points
Requires: Expert Training
Effect: Smash, Opponent Git Physical Check vs your attack roll or falls prone.
Cost: 2 Skill points
Requires: Mastery Training
Effect: Knock Out, Opponent Git check vs your attack roll or loses 2 actions and falls prone.
Cost: 2 Skill points
Requires: Tactical Training
Effect: Inject.
Cost: 2 Skill points
Requires: Expert Training
Effect: Pin.
Cost: 2 Skill points
Requires: Mastery Training
Effect: Impale.
Cost: 2 Skill points
Requires: Tactical Training
Effect: Bleed.
Cost: 2 Skill points
Requires: Expert Training
Effect: Cleave.
Cost: 2 Skill points
Requires: Mastery Training
Effect: Sever.