Engineering - Rigging is a skill that allows you to make quick repairs and devise makeshift contraptions out of spare parts and salvaged materials. With this skill, you can get broken equipment and machinery up and running again without the need for a proper workshop. Additionally, you can use your ingenuity to re-purpose salvaged materials to meet your immediate needs, such as turning a broken vacuum bot into a remote sentry with the addition of a PDA, a solenoid, an AK47, and some duct tape. This skill is also useful for salvaging materials and spare parts from broken robots and equipment, which can be used to create new devices or improve existing ones. With Engineering - Rigging, you can get the job done with whatever resources you have available.
The rigging skill allows you to make repairs to devices without a workshop to hand. You cannot improve the quality of an item beyond 3 with this skill but you can get it up and running again. You can also use this skill to devise contraptions out of Spare Parts that might get you out of sticky situations, or repurpose machinery to meet your immediate needs.
Discuss with the GM around what he will and won’t allow. Some mods, like the one above, may also require a Programming Roll.
GM’s are reminded of the Rule-Of-Fun with this skill, you can always pull in ambitious players by making **Spare Parts ** more specific, “Nope: that’s going to require a Solenoid and you haven’t got one of those, there might be one in Engineering though….”
As you loot dead robots, contraptions and abandoned workshops you can scavenge for **Spare Parts. ** The GM can have you make an Engineering roll if he feels **Spare Parts ** might be available.
Rather than spending skill points to move up skill levels, You may instead spend skill points to purchase any of the following tricks.
Hammer Time:
Cost: 2 Skill points
Requires: Tactical Training
Effect: You don’t need to know what's wrong, you have a hammer. Once per mission you can get something working again by giving it a trusty hammer wack.
Salvage Master: Gain advantage on checks when scavenging parts or materials from broken devices. Mad Scientist: Gain advantage on checks to create a contraption or device out of spare parts. Remote Trigger: Create a remote detonator for explosives or other devices. Makeshift Weapon: Create a makeshift weapon using available parts and tools. Bypass: Gain advantage on checks to bypass or disable electronic security measures. Welding Expert: Gain advantage on checks when welding or repairing metal objects. Field Repairs: Gain advantage on checks to repair damaged equipment or devices in the field. Device Specialist: Gain advantage on checks when working with a specific type of device or equipment. Trap Master: Create traps or improvised explosive devices using spare parts and materials. Structural Engineer: Gain advantage on checks to reinforce or repair damaged structures. Inventor: Create a new device or contraption using spare parts and your own ingenuity. Resourceful: Gain advantage on checks to find or repurpose materials in a given environment. Salvage Scavenger: Find hidden or unexpected sources of valuable materials or parts. Quick Fix: Repair or restore a device or piece of equipment in a very short amount of time. Repurpose: Repurpose a device or piece of equipment for a different use or function.