In Cybercore RPG, legacies are backgrounds that characters are familiar with from their upbringing, exposure to a certain environment, or through their family or mentors.
These legacies allow the character to take one or two optional knacks and quirks that reflect their background. Each time a knack is taken, a quirk must also be taken.
Characters can also work with the GM to create their own legacy with its own unique knacks and quirks. As characters develop and grow into their legacy, they may outgrow their quirks.
Archaeologist - expert in uncovering and preserving historical artifacts.
Chemist - skilled in creating and analyzing chemical substances and materials.
Code Cutter - master of hacking and cracking complex computer systems.
Core Medic - trained to heal wounds and cure diseases in the core systems of ships and space stations.
Core Pilot - experienced in piloting a variety of spacecraft and handling difficult space maneuvers.
Core Ranger - skilled in reconnaissance, survival, and combat in a variety of terrains and conditions.
Core Soldier - trained in combat and tactics for fighting in various situations and environments.
Corsair - expert in space piracy, raiding, and looting.
Diplomat - skilled in negotiating and maintaining diplomatic relationships between different factions and cultures.
Doctor - trained in providing medical care to individuals and populations.
Entertainer - talented in performing and entertaining audiences in various venues.
Hacker - expert in hacking computer systems and networks to gain access to confidential data or control.
Hauler - skilled in transporting goods and materials between different locations and systems.
Hustler - adept at making deals, persuading people, and getting what they want.
Information Broker - skilled in gathering and selling information, as well as using it to their advantage.
Mastermind - brilliant strategist and planner who excels in managing complex operations and goals.
Merchant - experienced in buying and selling goods and services for profit.
Picker - skilled in finding and acquiring valuable items and materials in difficult locations.
Privateer - skilled in space combat and licensed to attack and capture enemy vessels.
Rigger - expert in repairing and modifying complex machinery and technology.
Rock-Hopper - experienced in working and mining resources in the asteroid belt.
Scientist - knowledgeable in various scientific fields and conducting research and experiments.
Settler - skilled in establishing and maintaining settlements on new planets and environments.
Space Cadet - trained in space travel, spacecraft operation, and space combat.
Spacer - experienced in repairing and maintaining spacecraft and equipment in the void of space.
Spy - skilled in gathering intelligence and conducting covert operations for various purposes.
Survivor - skilled in survival and adapting to various environments and situations.
Traveler - experienced in traveling and exploring different locations and worlds.
Turfer - skilled in repairing and maintaining vehicles and equipment on planetary surfaces.