Espionage - Traps is the art of creating, deploying, and disarming a wide range of traps. Whether it's a simple tripwire or a complex booby trap, you are a master of using them to protect your assets or to take down your enemies.
Your training in this skill allows you to identify potential trap locations and to create traps using a wide range of materials and methods. You are skilled in setting up traps that are difficult to detect and can be triggered in various ways such as pressure, weight, or movement.
Your knowledge of traps also allows you to disarm them quickly and efficiently, as well as to use them to your advantage in various situations. Whether it's to create a diversion, to defend a location, or to eliminate a target, your trap-making abilities are a valuable asset in any mission.
With your expertise in Espionage - Traps, you can turn any location into a minefield of danger for those who do not possess your knowledge and skill. You are a master of cunning and strategy, always staying one step ahead of your enemies.
If you are trained in this skill you can roll both this skill and Espionage - Search when looking for traps and take the higher result.
Rather than spending skill points to move up skill levels, You may instead spend skill points to purchase any of the following tricks.
Camouflage Trap: Create a trap that blends into the surrounding environment, making it almost impossible to detect. Bouncing Betty: Create a mine that jumps into the air before exploding, making it more difficult to avoid. Tripwire Trigger: Set up a tripwire that triggers a trap when it is crossed. Multi-Stage Trap: Create a trap with multiple stages, each one more deadly than the last. Decoy Trap: Set up a trap that appears to be valuable or important, drawing the target towards it. Gas Trap: Create a trap that releases a debilitating or toxic gas when triggered. Net Trap: Set up a trap that entangles the target in a net, making it more difficult to escape. Sonic Trap: Create a trap that emits a loud, ear-piercing noise when triggered, disorienting the target. Poison Trap: Set up a trap that poisons the target when triggered, weakening or killing them. Reverse Trap: Create a trap that triggers when someone tries to disarm it, catching them off-guard. Remote Trigger: Set up a trap that can be triggered remotely, allowing you to catch the target at a later time. Concealed Trap: Create a trap that is hidden in plain sight, making it almost impossible to detect. Stun Trap: Set up a trap that delivers a powerful electric shock, stunning or incapacitating the target. Pitfall Trap: Create a trap that drops the target into a deep pit, making it difficult for them to climb out. Time Delay Trap: Set up a trap that is triggered after a set amount of time, catching the target off-guard.
Disarmament: You are able to safely disarm a trap without setting it off or causing any damage. Spotter: You have an excellent eye for detecting traps and can easily spot them from a distance. Camouflage: You can create traps that are almost invisible, blending seamlessly into their surroundings. Safe Passage: You can disable traps temporarily, allowing your group to pass through without triggering them. Booby Trap: You can set up traps that are triggered by people attempting to disarm them. Trapmaker: You can make traps out of any materials on hand, even if they are not typically used for traps. Pressure Point: You know exactly where to place traps to ensure maximum damage or effectiveness. Dismantle: You are able to take apart and remove traps without damaging them, allowing you to reuse them later. Decoy: You can create fake traps to distract your enemies or lure them into a trap. Silent Takedown: You can take out an enemy silently with a trap, leaving no trace of the attack. Remote Trigger: You can set traps to be triggered remotely, allowing you to stay out of harm's way. Alarm: You can set up traps to serve as alarms, alerting you when enemies are nearby. Trap Detection: You are able to detect traps even when they have been carefully concealed. Trap Network: You can set up a network of traps that work together to protect an area or target. Trap Repair: You can repair damaged traps quickly and easily, allowing you to reuse them in the same location.