“Do it for yourself. The universe will be around to collect its cut later.”
-- Unknown ICE Operative.
Pssst. You should sign up; Joe sent me; you remember Joe? He was a great guy. he got bagged last week; he didn't sign up. But he told me to tell you, you better sign up...
ICE: In Space, No One Can Hear You Scheme....
Ahh, Tobias, I'm glad you could make it. Do you recall your little gafe on Phobias Prime with the Orm ambassador? Eh, yes, boss, sorry, boss, it won't happen again.
Oh, yes, no mind, no mind; how are your children, by the way?
They are still working in ore processing, Sir. Really, what's it been like for a year now? Two Sir. And they have both survived? Yes Sir. Remarkable. Anyway, profits in the Solarus sector are down 20%; I have spoken with director Branson, and he was vague on details and reasons, probably due to the fact it's his mistress Evea's fingers in the till. Had he known, that would have been another matter. However, I'm revoking his station privileges effective immediately.
Yes, boss. Now, why the Om Ambassadors incident was unfortunate, I believe there was a subtle Stroke of Genius in your methods. I'm convening a meeting of the board of directors in 30 minutes on level 4, section A, the Portside boardroom; I will be lamenting the Solarus sector performance approximately 15 minutes after that. Please have Director Branson float past the port side window at that time. I feel it would be a nice touch on the conclusion to my presentation to the board, don't you think?
Oh indeed, Sir, very direct.
Oh, one more thing, Tobias. Yes boss? If you get the timing right, a promotion is coming up down in Ore processing.
Yes, Boss, Branson is on level 3 suit 10, I believe?
Indeed, Tobias, he is; oh, and please send in lady Evea on your way out. We are expecting an imminent opening on the board, and head office has suggested her profile might be just what we need to turn around some of our poorer-performing sectors.
In the shadows of the galaxy, on the dark sides of planets that never see the sun, lies ICE, a black market organization that deals in crime and illegal trades and runs the most extensive interstellar black market gambit in existence. This is a place where anything can be bought and sold, from illicit weapons to entire Blackmail information exchanges. The members of this organization are some of the vilest and most depraved of society, willing to do almost whatever it takes to get what they want. It's said nothing lies outside of ICE's shadowy hand. Agents, footpads, hackers, thieves, and crime rings are vast intergalactic networks of countless numbers.
They operate in pseudo secrecy, hidden from the prying eyes of the law; those who cross them are invited to join or dealt with swiftly and brutally. No one knows who their true leaders are, or even how many members they have. They are a force to be reckoned with, feared by all who know of their existence, a shadowy hand that wraps the universe.
ICE is a place where most morals are not thrown out the window. The person found with them is instead thrown out of an airlock. The only thing that matters is profit. Those seeking to enter this shady underworld must be willing to cast aside any decency they may have left and embrace the darkness within. The rewards can be great for those who are eager to make the sacrifice, but you are considered lucky if you ever leave ICE in a body bag; it means someone cared enough to provide one. What's your bagging age, will you ask? A long life of crime and debauchery, a short life of bad deals and back alley back-stabs. They say that depends on the amount of skin and skills you have in the game. But like a marriage, it's a crime ring you will wear for life.
The Inter Criminal Espionage Exchange is a group of thieves, burglars, and kidnappers; they deal in fencing stolen goods and black market materials, hacking, extortion, heists, and other petty crimes. They have rules, though, that sets them apart from the worst scum in the universe. They keep and protect the children, whom they consider the only really innocent out of all deals, trades, and marks from scumbags out there; there are some lines even they won't cross.
Overall, these rules emphasize the high stakes and dangerous nature of the black market organization's operations. Members must be ruthless, efficient, and always aware of the potential consequences of their actions. The organization is a tightly-knit group of individuals, and trust is the key to success. The penalty for betrayal or failure is severe, and only those with the courage and cunning to succeed will rise to the top.
Access to ICE Quartermaster Equipment. All Discounted Assassination equipment, Toxins, and special orders.
Rank Level | Insignia | Abbr | Rank | Std Sec Level |
1 | # | (THUG) | Thug | 1 |
2 | # | (GRUNT) | Grunt | 1 |
3 | # | (IB) | Information Broker | 1 |
4 | # | (SnrIB) | Snr Information Broker | 2 |
5 | # | (EB) | Equipment Broker | 2 |
6 | # | (SecB) | Securities Broker | 3 |
7 | # | (BMB) | Black Market Broker | 3 |
8 | # | (GrOps) | Grey Operations Broker | 4 |
9 | # | (BO) | Black Ops | 4 |
10 | # | (SynCmd) | Syndicate Commander | 5 |
Cost: 2 Telent Points
Maneuver Cost: 1 Action.
Requires: Rank
Duration: Passive