You have a deep understanding of chemical reactions and compounds, often using this knowledge to create new medicines or dangerous toxins. You became interested in chemistry as a way to protect yourself from harm and learned from your parents or other family members who worked in the field.
You may not be a professional chemist, but you've spent enough time studying chemicals and their properties to have a good grasp of their effects. Perhaps your parents owned a small lab, or you had a natural curiosity that led you to experiment with chemicals on your own.
As a result of your passing familiarity with chemistry, you have a few Knacks up your sleeve that can come in handy in a variety of situations. You know how to identify different chemicals, for example, or how to create basic chemical reactions.
But your passing familiarity with the chemist legacy has its downsides, too. You're not as experienced or knowledgeable as a true professional, and your lack of training can put you in danger in certain situations. You might accidentally create a dangerous chemical reaction, or fail to recognize the potential risks of handling certain chemicals.
Your familiarity with chemistry has trained you to think quickly and respond to unexpected situations. You can attempt any Initiative roll related to reacting to unexpected chemical events with a +1 bonus.
You have picked up tidbits of knowledge of poisons and toxins, including how to create and neutralize them.
You can synthesize medicinal drugs and serums that can heal wounds or provide temporary boosts to physical or mental abilities.
Your familiarity with chemicals can make you overconfident in your abilities. You might attempt experiments or reactions that are beyond your skill level, or fail to recognize the potential dangers of a particular chemical.
While you might have a good grasp of chemical properties, you lack always seem to be misplacing the proper equipment and elements that a true professional would have to hand. This can limit your ability to experiment or analyze chemicals in certain situations.
A little bit of this and a little bit of that; mix it all together and hope you don't go splat. You are willing to take dangerous risks in the name of science.
While not an addiction in the normal sense, you are a hoarder when it comes to chemicals and are always looking to add new substances to your collection.