Soft-Listener | -2 Bot Net | $50.00 | Juncton | No | Embeds itself into a hardware junction, Silently Notifies when a software probe is detected. |
Soft-NullNode | | $100.00 | Juncton | No | Allows you to create a Node on a network without it anoucing itself to the network. |
Soft-Firewall V1-5 | | $200/level | Juncton | Yes | Firewall, Blocks traffic though junction. Level 1 Roll Net Skill once that sets the Bot-Net Level, Level V roll 5 tims and take the highest Roll. To recover roll the firewalls Bot-Net level. |
Soft-VPN | | $200 / AP | Juncton | No | Creates a secure tunnel between two Junctions, The interconnecting junctions are not considered part of the botnet. |
Soft-Probe Trace | +5 | | Juncton Node | | Embeds itself into a hardware junction, if a software probe is detected silently notifies the hacker and allows a back trace on the probe to find the AI node or mainframe. |
Soft-Encrypt V1-5 | | | Juncton Node | | Secures a junction or a node, traffic, including AI probes, must crack the encryption before being able to proceed though this juntion / node. The difficulty is set by one or more Network Skill rolls. See software Versions. |
PDA-Peek V1-5 | | | | | Increases the passive Peek range of the hackers Bot-Net. V1 Adds 1 Junction, V2 Two junctions etc. |
Soft-Alert Listener | | | | | This patch sits on the network and monitors the level of network traffic, when an alert is triggered the patch algrothrim detects shifts and increases in the traffic and notifies the installer. A Hacker makes a network roll to install, this listener detects any alert that was triggered by a detection roll below the install roll. |
PDA-Tumbler V1-5 | "+1-5" | | | | Carries schematics and Alogrithems for common locks, key pads and security scanners. Grants a bonus to Locks & Security skill checks. |
Soft-PingBomb | | | | | This software ping bombs the entire network. Make a Networing roll /4 to determine the total number of pings. This bomb Pings a 1 to 5 junction radius (See version) then moves 1 to 5 junctions in a random direction and pings again. this continues untill all pings are used up. Once completed this software can send the result directly to the bomber if he is still on the network or store the result in a pre alocated Nodes firmware for later retrival. |
Soft-Encrypter | | | | | Encrypts Data |
Soft-Decrypter | | | | | Decrypts Data |