As someone who has grown up with a close friend or family member who is a hustler, you've seen firsthand the art of the con. From small-time scams to high-stakes cons, the hustler knows how to read people and manipulate situations to their advantage. You've picked up a few tricks along the way, even if you haven't gone all-in on the life of a hustler yourself.
Your exposure to the world of hustling has given you a certain charm and quick thinking that can help you get out of tight situations. You know how to play both sides of a deal and negotiate to get the best outcome for yourself. You're resourceful and have a talent for improvising solutions when things don't go as planned.
However, being associated with hustlers can also come with some drawbacks. You might find yourself constantly looking over your shoulder, wary of anyone who might be looking to scam you. Your reputation may also suffer, as some people may assume that you are just like the hustlers you associate with.
As a hustler, you have the knacks of Persuasion, which helps you convince others to see things your way, and Deception, which allows you to lie with ease and convince others that you are telling the truth. Your quirks might include a love for gambling, a tendency to embellish stories to make them more interesting, or an addiction to the thrill of the con.
You've spent time around the shadiest characters in the galaxy, your dad was a Hustler, always on the lookout for the next big score. Whether it's running scams on unsuspecting marks or greasing the palms of corrupt officials, you have learnt how to play the game and stay one step ahead of the competition.
You know how to make a deal and turn a profit. You've learned how to charm, persuade, and deceive in order to get what you want. You've also become adept at navigating the criminal underworld.
Silver tongue: You have an uncanny ability to talk your way out of almost any situation, and convince others to see things your way. Shadow network: You have a vast network of contacts in the criminal underworld, and can use them to gain information, resources, and opportunities. Quirks:
Greed: You always want more, and are never satisfied with what you have. Paranoia: You constantly worry about being double-crossed or betrayed, and have trouble trusting others.
You are a street-smart con artist, often using your quick wit and cunning to outsmart opponents and get what you want. Perhaps you grew up on the streets or were introduced to the art of the hustle through a mentor or family member.
Silver Tongue - You have a gift for sweet-talking your way out of sticky situations, and can charm even the most skeptical of marks. Fast Hands - You're quick on your feet and have lightning-fast reflexes, making you an expert at pickpocketing and sleight of hand. Quirks:
Always On the Lookout - You're always scanning your surroundings for potential opportunities, even when you should be focusing on the task at hand. Compulsive Gambler - You're addicted to the thrill of taking risks, and can't resist a game of chance, no matter how high the stakes.