Core Medic's are a trained medical professional, often working in the military or other high-stress environments. You may have followed in the footsteps of your parents or other family members who were also medical professionals, or you may have been drawn to medicine as a way to help others in dangerous situations.
A character with the Core Medic legacy has a strong background in medical care, having received training and exposure to medical procedures and techniques through a variety of sources. They have a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pharmaceuticals, and are able to use this knowledge to heal and treat a wide range of injuries and illnesses.
Triage Expert: Your character has a special talent for quickly assessing injuries and determining the best course of action for treating them. In combat or emergency situations, you can use this knack to quickly stabilize injured allies and prevent them from bleeding out.
Experimental Medicine: Your character is always looking for new and innovative ways to treat injuries and illnesses, and is willing to take risks with untested treatments or therapies. While this approach can sometimes lead to breakthroughs, it can also backfire and cause unexpected side effects or complications. Quirks:
Hypochondriac: Your character is extremely health-conscious and always worried about getting sick or injured. While this means that they are meticulous about taking care of themselves and their allies, it can also make them overly cautious or paranoid in dangerous situations.
Squeamish: Despite being a trained medical professional, your character has a hard time dealing with blood, gore, or other graphic injuries. This can make it difficult for them to perform certain procedures or treatments, and may even lead to fainting or other adverse reactions in extreme cases.
Core Medic - A character with a passing familiarity with core medicine has learned the skills of emergency medical care and triage. They may have learned from a mentor, or perhaps as a result of a previous career as a paramedic or military medic.
Quick Diagnosis: The character can make a rapid diagnosis of a patient's condition, even under stressful conditions. Life Saver: The character can stabilize critically injured patients and bring them back from the brink of death. Quirks:
Compassionate to a fault: The character is so compassionate that they sometimes put their own safety at risk to help others. Triggered by Injury: The character is highly sensitive to injuries and may struggle with the sight of blood and wounds.