The Silicoids refer to Humans as "Bags of mostly water".
Slaters have three fingers on the arms.
Concept Images form the internet...
Not bad head is wrong, should be wider, no nose, sholders should come up over the back of the head.
The Fire one here is good only for showing the heated interior. So yea would like a little lava showing though on the joints.
This is an ok example, head wider, feet thicker, only three digits. This one look like it moves on all fours, Slaters a bipedal.
Pretty good body, for a Igneous Slater hands need 3 digits, head a little wider.
I think this is the best "skin" representation of a Silicoid Slater, They have the finer more fragmented rock skin, Igneous Slater are more like the bicture above made from more larger single piece molten rock parts than there Silicoid brethren.
Good example of a head here, without the nose (Slaters have no sense of smell)
Silicon-based humanoid life form. Looks like a large biped crudely carved from stone.
Houses a small nuclear fusion reaction inside there rock carapace. There main diet is carbon rods which maintains this reaction and delivers nutrients to there internal organs by way of a semi molten silicon fluid which also distributes nutrients and energy around their body.
Slaters can burrow into the ground and do so when they breed where they select a mate they keep for life. This Burrowing is a very slow process it take about an hour for the slater to slowly sink into the ground and move though the earth. They cannot move though solid rock but they can tunnel though it by increasing their body temperatures and slowing melting tunnels if required. This process takes months to years however since Slaters do not apparently die from old age time is not something a Slater generally concerns it's with.
Igneous Slaters are formed from melted rock deep inside their Home Planet. As such they come from a mixture of Rocks and impurity effects there choice of future Mate, The off spring of an Igneous Slater is forever another Igneous Slater and they must complete the bonding deep beneath the there planets crust where the temperatures are the hottest.
Legends tell of a pair of Outcast Silicoids completing there finial bonding before casting themselves into the molten core of there homewold as the origin point for the Igneous Slaters historians have been unable to verify the validity of the legend.
While there is no concept of elitism within the Slater race Igneous Slaters are the most common and while they do socialize with pure Silicoids life bonds are incredibly rare.
Both your Parents were Silicoids, the unique composition of your silicon structure makes integrating AI and complex Mod chips a brease, you can literally have them Tattooed and etched into your carapace.
You can do heat damage to your enemies with your melee fist attacks.
When a Silicoid Slater dies you can cause your internal fusion reaction to enter runaway, detonating and damaging the surrounding environment.
On there home world this would occur naturally when a Slater ran out of there specialized Carbon diet. This had the advantage of instantly fossilizing nearby trees and timbers providing more carbon to the remaining Slaters.
You outer stone carapace is particularly strong granting you damage Reduction against Slashing and piercing attacks.
You Tunnel faster than a normal Slater.
Requires: Silicoid Slater. Effect: You do not require an AI neural Interface the AI assistant can be etched directly on your outer Silicoid crust. However You AI assist's have a Quality level (normally 6 at installation) and if you are subject to a critical hit, roll a 1d4 on a four, the quality level drops by one. If this occurs when you must roll a Glitch Check before you use your AI Assit.
Requires: Igneous Slater. Effect: When standing on or carrying a source of clean natural rock a Slater can absorb a portion of it to repair itself, as the Slater becomes more practiced at this the process gets more efficient. As a 3+ Action Manoeuver, for one Medium slot worth of rock (About 3-5kg) you can heal 3HP * your current Rank. It takes a minimum of 3 Actions to generate enough heat from you inner-core to make the rock mailable, however one this process has started you can continue to heal 1HP per Rank for every extra Action you spend, as long as you have a supply of clean uncontaminated rocks as raw materials.
Requires: Any Slater. Effect: You can disguise yourself as a rock, and gain Advantage when hiding in rocky terrain or against natural stone.
Requires: Any Slater. Effect: You fists can curl up to form two effective stone pummeling weapons, You gain a melee fist attack that deals 1d10 blunt damage per fist.