When you can take an Background Knack you can select from these Knacks common to all Backgrounds.
Danger Sense: You have an uncanny ability to sense when danger is near, allowing you to act quickly and avoid harm. Tech Savvy: You have a natural talent for understanding and working with technology, making you an asset in high-tech environments. Smooth Talker: You have a silver tongue and can charm your way out of almost any situation. Combat Veteran: You have extensive combat experience, making you a skilled fighter in a variety of situations. Master Strategist: You are a natural at devising and executing complex plans, giving you an edge in both combat and diplomacy. Stealthy: You are particularly adept at moving quietly and staying hidden, making you a valuable asset in covert operations. Psychic Sensitivity: You have a natural sensitivity to psychic energies, allowing you to detect and even manipulate them. Athletic: You are in excellent physical shape, making you particularly nimble and agile. Lucky: You seem to have a knack for being in the right place at the right time and avoiding danger. Intimidating Presence: Your imposing figure and intense gaze can make even the bravest foes think twice. Eidetic Memory: You have an incredible memory and can recall details and information with incredible accuracy. Resilient: You are particularly tough and can take a lot of punishment without being slowed down. Versatile: You are adaptable and can learn new skills and techniques quickly. Analytical Mind: You are able to process information quickly and logically, allowing you to make sound decisions even under pressure. Mechanical Aptitude: You have a natural ability to understand and repair machinery and equipment. Charismatic: Your magnetic personality and natural charm make you well-liked and influential. Creative: You have a vivid imagination and are able to come up with unique solutions to problems. Multilingual: You are fluent in multiple languages, making you valuable in diplomatic situations. Hyperfocus: You are able to concentrate deeply on a single task, shutting out distractions and completing it quickly and efficiently. Iron Will: You have an almost superhuman ability to resist temptation and coercion, allowing you to stick to your principles even in difficult situations.
Mind Reader: You have an innate ability to pick up on subtle cues and body language, making it easier to read the intentions of others.
Stealthy: You are adept at moving silently and staying hidden, making it easier to avoid detection.
Haggler: You have a knack for bargaining and negotiating, making it easier to get a better deal or persuade others to see things your way.
Tough as Nails: You are able to withstand more physical punishment than most people, making it harder for others to knock you down.
Survivalist: You are skilled at finding food, water, and shelter in harsh environments, making it easier to survive in the wilderness or on hostile planets.
Tech Genius: You have an innate understanding of advanced technology, making it easier to repair and modify complex machines.
Master of Disguise: You are skilled at altering your appearance and blending in with different environments, making it easier to go undercover.
Fearless: You are immune to fear and intimidation, making it easier to face dangerous situations with courage and confidence.
Polyglot: You are fluent in multiple languages, making it easier to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Quick Draw: You have lightning-fast reflexes and are able to draw and fire a weapon faster than most people, making it easier to win gunfights.
Chronomancer: Can manipulate time to slow down or speed up events. Technopath: Has an innate ability to communicate and manipulate technology. Arcanist: Has a natural talent for harnessing and manipulating arcane energy. Shapeshifter: Can change their form or shape-shift into other creatures or objects. Master of Illusion: Can create incredibly realistic illusions that can fool even the most discerning eyes. Biomancer: Can manipulate biological processes to heal, harm, or change living organisms. Gravity Bender: Can manipulate the forces of gravity to move objects, create gravity wells, or levitate oneself. Psychic: Can use telepathy, clairvoyance, or telekinesis to read or influence thoughts and emotions. Pyrotechnic: Can create, control, or extinguish flames, or turn objects into fiery projectiles. Chronoskimmer: Can perceive time differently, and see the near future or past events as if they are happening in the present. Stealthmaster: Can move silently, hide in shadows, and disappear without a trace. Weaponmaster: Can use a wide variety of weapons with great proficiency, from melee weapons to firearms and heavy weapons. Demolitionist: Has expertise in explosives, from disarming to setting and detonating them. Mindhacker: Can bypass security systems or crack encryption codes, as well as manipulate digital networks. Thundercaller: Can call down lightning or thunder to strike their enemies or disrupt electronics. Electrokinetic: Can create, control, or absorb electricity, as well as power electronic devices. Diviner: Can scry, augur, or cast omens, revealing information about the future or hidden knowledge. Energist: Can store, harness, or release energy in various forms, from kinetic to thermal or electrical energy. Intuitist: Has a natural talent for sensing danger, reading emotions, or knowing when something is off. Geomancer: Can manipulate the earth or nature, controlling soil, plants, or even tectonic movements.
Void Walk: You have developed an almost innate sense of navigating the vast emptiness of space, allowing you to move with ease and agility in zero gravity environments.
Nano Surge: Through exposure to advanced technologies and cybernetic implants, your body has become a conduit for nanobots, allowing you to manipulate and control them for various purposes, such as healing or hacking.
Phase Shift - You can shift a portion of your body through solid objects, allowing you to move through walls or other obstacles. Time Dilation - You can slow down or speed up time in a localized area, allowing you to move faster than your opponents or escape danger. Quantum Entanglement - You can create a bond between two objects, allowing you to manipulate them both at the same time from a distance. Cybernetic Augmentation - You have implanted cybernetic enhancements that give you increased strength, speed, or other physical abilities. Neural Interface - You can directly interface with computers and other electronic devices, allowing you to control them with your thoughts. Holographic Projection - You can project a holographic image of yourself to distract or deceive your enemies. Gravity Manipulation - You can manipulate the gravity in a localized area, allowing you to move objects or change the trajectory of projectiles. Bio-regeneration - You can rapidly heal yourself or others from injuries, even regrowing lost limbs or organs. Nanomachine Swarm - You can release a swarm of nanomachines that can break down or reconstruct matter at a molecular level, allowing you to repair or destroy objects. Gravity Well - You can create a localized gravitational well that traps or immobilizes enemies. EMP Pulse - You can release an electromagnetic pulse that temporarily disables electronic devices in a localized area. Disintegration - You can break down matter at a molecular level, allowing you to disintegrate objects or people. Dimensional Rift - You can open a portal to another dimension, allowing you to transport yourself or others across great distances. Technopathy - You can communicate with and control electronic devices, allowing you to manipulate technology in a variety of ways. Force Field - You can generate a protective energy shield that can deflect or absorb incoming attacks. Invisibility - You can render yourself invisible to the naked eye, making it difficult for enemies to detect your presence. Pyrokinesis - You can control and manipulate fire, allowing you to create flames or extinguish them at will. Cryokinesis - You can control and manipulate ice, allowing you to freeze objects or create barriers of ice. Telekinesis - You can move objects with your mind, allowing you to manipulate your environment in a variety of ways. Energy Blast - You can release a focused blast of energy, allowing you to damage or destroy objects or enemies.
Cybernetic Enhancements - Your body has been modified with advanced technology, giving you enhanced strength, speed, and agility. Tactical Genius - You have a keen strategic mind and can quickly analyze a situation to develop a winning plan. Data Analyzer - You can quickly sift through complex data to find the information you need, even in the most chaotic of situations. Astrogation - You have an innate sense of how to navigate the vast reaches of space, even in the absence of maps or charts. Stealth Expert - You are a master of stealth and subterfuge, able to move silently and undetected through any environment. Energy Manipulation - You have the ability to manipulate various forms of energy, such as electricity or radiation, to your advantage. Zero Gravity Combat - You are an expert at fighting in zero gravity environments, able to move fluidly and strike with deadly accuracy. Hacking Genius - You possess unparalleled skills in the field of hacking and can breach even the most secure systems with ease. Quantum Computing - You have access to advanced quantum computing technology, which allows you to process information at incredible speeds. Force Field Generation - You can generate protective force fields, shielding yourself and others from harm. Nanobot Swarm - You can command a swarm of nanobots to repair damage, build structures, or even attack enemies. Linguistic Mastery - You have an extraordinary ability to learn and master new languages, even those never encountered before. Psionic Powers - You possess powerful psionic abilities, such as telekinesis, telepathy, or precognition. Space Medicine - You are a skilled medical practitioner, trained in the unique challenges of space medicine and capable of treating a wide range of injuries and illnesses. Spatial Awareness - You possess an almost supernatural awareness of your surroundings, allowing you to navigate complex environments with ease. Exotic Weaponry - You are skilled in the use of exotic weapons, such as plasma rifles or laser swords. Gravitational Manipulation - You can manipulate the gravitational forces around you to create fields of low or high gravity. Microgravity Combat - You are a master of hand-to-hand combat in microgravity environments, using your opponents' momentum against them. Emergency Repairs - You are able to quickly make emergency repairs to damaged equipment or vehicles, allowing you to keep going in the face of adversity. Drone Swarm - You can command a swarm of autonomous drones, using them for reconnaissance, defense, or even offense.
Claustrophobic: You feel uncomfortable and anxious in enclosed spaces, making it difficult to operate in tight quarters. Pessimistic: You have a tendency to focus on the negative, making it difficult to stay motivated and positive. Absent-Minded: You are easily distracted and often forgetful, making it difficult to keep track of important details. Impulsive: You tend to act before thinking, sometimes leading to dangerous or reckless behavior. Agoraphobic: You are uncomfortable in open spaces, making it difficult to operate in large, open environments. Hypochondriac: You are constantly worried about getting sick or injured, leading to unnecessary precautions and anxiety. Paranoid: You are convinced that people are out to get you, making it difficult to trust others or work as part of a team. Forgettable: People have a hard time remembering you or recognizing you, sometimes leading to awkward or embarrassing situations. Superstitious: You have strong beliefs in supernatural or mystical powers, sometimes leading to irrational behavior or decisions. Reckless: You are often willing to take unnecessary risks, sometimes leading to dangerous or costly mistakes. Apathetic: You lack motivation or enthusiasm, making it difficult to stay engaged or passionate about your work. Narcissistic: You love yourself, and you're not afraid to show it. Whether it's your appearance, your skills, or your possessions, you believe that you're the best, and you're not shy about telling everyone else. Fear of enclosed spaces Overly talkative Always carries a small object for good luck Tends to get lost easily Obsessive-compulsive about cleanliness Refuses to eat certain types of food Can't stand the sound of chewing or slurping Has a habit of whistling constantly Tends to fall asleep at inappropriate times Always has to touch things in a certain order Has a tendency to interrupt people mid-sentence Can't stand the sight of blood Has a phobia of insects or spiders Tends to speak in riddles or metaphorical language Has a habit of checking things multiple times Can't sit still for more than a few minutes Tends to use overly complicated words in conversation Has a strong aversion to bright lights or loud noises Has a tendency to talk to themselves or inanimate objects Tends to hoard objects or food, even if it's not useful.
Paranoia about cybernetic implants and distrust of those who have them. Inability to use advanced technology like holoscreens or neural interfaces. Fear of traveling through space or entering a planet's atmosphere. Aversion to eating food that has been genetically modified or synthesized. Obsessive compulsive need to sanitize hands and surfaces in a high-tech environment. Claustrophobia, especially in the tight confines of spaceships or space stations. Inability to tolerate zero-gravity environments or the feeling of weightlessness. Fear of interacting with artificial intelligences or robots. Aversion to being in close proximity to high-energy plasma or radiation. Compulsive need to document and record every detail of their experiences. Inability to trust or rely on others in a highly competitive, cutthroat environment. Fear of being exposed to new diseases or contagions in space or on new planets. Aversion to the sight of violence or graphic images on high-tech displays. Inability to adapt to new languages or dialects, especially those that use non-humanoid sounds. Fear of encountering alien life or discovering something that will change their worldview. Compulsive need to take on challenges that test their limits, even if it puts them in danger. Inability to focus or process information in highly stimulating, noisy environments. Fear of being alone or isolated for long periods of time. Aversion to highly artificial or synthetic environments, preferring natural landscapes and materials. Compulsive need to personalize and modify their equipment or surroundings to fit their preferences.
Teleport Phobia - You have an irrational fear of using teleporters, and prefer to travel by conventional means even if it takes longer. Augmented Reality Addiction - You spend so much time in AR that it's hard to tell where reality ends and virtual begins. Time Dilation Sickness - You get nauseous and disoriented when exposed to time dilation, such as during faster-than-light travel or near a black hole. Gravity Adjustment Disorder - You have trouble adapting to different gravitational fields and can get disoriented or even sick. Cybernetic Indecision - You're so used to having options for upgrading your body that you have a hard time committing to any one cybernetic implant or modification. Galactic Nostalgia - You romanticize the past, wishing you were born in a different era or that space travel was still new and exciting. Technological Nomophobia - You feel anxious or uneasy without access to technology or being connected to a network. Starlight Sensitivity - You're sensitive to bright light, especially the light of stars and other celestial objects, and have to wear special eye protection. Cyberpsychosis - Your mind has trouble integrating with your cybernetic implants, and you experience hallucinations, mood swings, or even violent outbursts. Hibernation Anxiety - You feel claustrophobic or panicked when placed in a state of suspended animation, such as during long space journeys. Zero-G Vertigo - You get disoriented and dizzy when in zero gravity or other environments where there is no up or down. Transhumanist Aspirations - You're obsessed with the idea of becoming a post-human or transhuman, and are constantly seeking new ways to augment yourself. Alienphobia - You have an irrational fear or distrust of extraterrestrial life, even if you've never actually encountered any. Quantum Entanglement Aversion - You find the idea of quantum entanglement creepy and unsettling, and don't like the idea of particles being connected across vast distances. Virtual Memory Confusion - You have trouble distinguishing between your real memories and those that have been implanted or experienced virtually. Space Sickness - You get nauseous or dizzy when exposed to the sights and sounds of space, or during zero-gravity maneuvers. Cosmic Horror - You're consumed by a sense of cosmic dread or insignificance, feeling overwhelmed by the vastness and mystery of the universe. Ion Drive Depression - You get depressed or moody when traveling at slower-than-light speeds, feeling like you're wasting your life away. Subspace Anxiety - You feel uneasy or nervous when traveling through subspace or other parallel dimensions. Xenolinguistic Difficulties - You have trouble learning or communicating in alien languages, and find the whole process frustrating and stressful.
Photonophobia - Fear of bright lights or lasers. Chronosthesia - Perception of time passing differently than normal. Zero-g Vertigo - Dizziness and disorientation in zero gravity environments. Hologramaphobia - Fear of holographic images or displays. Bionic Body Dysmorphia - Discomfort or dissatisfaction with having cybernetic or prosthetic body parts. Droid Distrust - Mistrust or fear of robotic or AI companions. Brain Burnout - Overuse or misuse of cognitive enhancers leading to headaches, memory loss, or confusion. Astromathia - Inability to comprehend or visualize complex celestial mechanics. Technological Illiteracy - Inability to operate or understand advanced technology. Metamorphic Identity Crisis - Struggle with one's identity after altering or enhancing their physical appearance. Singularity Skepticism - Doubt or skepticism about the possibility or safety of artificial superintelligence. Neuro-nomophobia - Fear of neural implants or devices that interface directly with the brain. Anti-Cloning Sentiment - Disapproval or discomfort with the practice of cloning sentient beings. Synthetic Scepticism - Mistrust or fear of synthetic or artificially created lifeforms. Cyberspace Claustrophobia - Anxiety or discomfort in virtual reality or simulated environments. Nanomachine Paranoia - Fear or anxiety regarding the presence or use of nanomachines in the body or environment. Synaptic Saturation - Sensory overload or exhaustion from exposure to too much information or stimulation. Alien Anxiety - Fear or discomfort around extraterrestrial life forms. Quantum Uncertainty - Discomfort or anxiety around the principles of quantum mechanics. Cosmic Nihilism - Existential angst or despair caused by the vastness and emptiness of space.
Zero-G Acrobatics: Years of floating around in microgravity environments have given your character an intuitive sense of how to move and maneuver in weightless conditions. This knack allows them to make impressive leaps, flips, and other maneuvers in zero-g situations that other characters might struggle with. Space Junkie: Spending so much time in the void has given your character a deep appreciation for the wonders of the cosmos, and they are always eager to learn more about the mysteries of space. This knack gives them a bonus to any knowledge checks related to astronomy, astrophysics, or other space-related subjects. Quirks:
Claustrophobia: Spending too much time cooped up in small spaces like spacecraft or space stations can make your character feel trapped and anxious. They may suffer penalties to rolls made in cramped or confined environments. Solar Flare Sensitivity: Years of exposure to solar radiation have left your character more vulnerable to the effects of solar flares and other space weather events. They may suffer negative effects or penalties during particularly intense or prolonged solar storms.
Emergency Responder: Your character is able to quickly and effectively triage and treat injuries in high-pressure, chaotic environments like battlefields or disaster zones. This knack allows them to stabilize wounded allies and keep them alive long enough to receive more extensive treatment later on. Pharmacological Savant: Your character has an encyclopedic knowledge of different drugs, medications, and treatments, and is able to quickly determine the best course of action for treating a given condition. This knack gives them a bonus to any knowledge checks related to pharmaceuticals or medical treatments. Quirks:
Obsessive Hand-Washer: Your character is extremely concerned with hygiene and cleanliness, and is always washing their hands or using sanitizer. While this can help prevent the spread of disease, it can also be time-consuming and distracting in combat or other dangerous situations. Hypochondriac: Despite being a skilled medical professional, your character is constantly worried about their own health and always on the lookout for signs of illness or injury. This can make them overly cautious or hesitant in certain situations, and may even cause them to misdiagnose or over-treat minor ailments.