The Vehicles - Sensors skill allows you to see beyond the physical realm and into the invisible landscape of electromagnetic waves and radiation. With this skill, you are a master of the unseen, interpreting the data and patterns emitted by ships, planets, and the universe itself. You can read the signals of distant communications, interpret the movements of other vessels, and even detect the presence of life in the void.
You can use this skill to track other ships and planets, identify anomalies in sensor data, and even predict the movements of objects in space. Your training has honed your senses to the point where you can detect the faintest signals and interpret the most complex patterns with ease. You can also use this skill to hide from those that would seek you out blending your vehicles emissions into the background radiation of the universe.
With this skill, you are the eyes and ears of your crew, guiding them through the darkest and most treacherous parts of the universe.
Cost: 2 Skill points
Maneuver Cost: 1 Action.
Requires: Expert Training
Duration: Passive
Advanced Targeting: Using the sensors to scan a target and obtain detailed information about its size, speed, and any weaknesses it may have.
Electronic Warfare: Using the sensors to detect and identify enemy electronic signatures, jam them, or even launch cyber attacks against them.
Energy Detection: Detecting and analyzing energy signatures, such as radiation, heat, and energy emissions, to locate hidden objects or find areas of high or low energy.
Navigation Assistance: Using the sensors to map the surrounding terrain, identify obstacles, and provide directions to reach the destination.
Remote Sensing: Using the sensors to remotely detect and analyze distant objects, such as enemy fortifications or hidden bases.
Stealth Detection: Using the sensors to detect stealth technology, such as cloaking devices or jammers, and reveal hidden targets.
Long-Range Scanning: Using the sensors to scan a large area, such as an entire planet, and identify areas of interest or potential threats.
Holographic Imaging: Creating a 3D holographic image of a target or area, allowing for detailed analysis and planning.
Biometric Scanning: Using the sensors to scan and identify biological signatures, such as DNA or fingerprints, to identify individuals or track their movements.
Radiation Analysis: Analyzing the surrounding radiation levels and identifying sources of radiation, such as nuclear weapons or reactors.
Planetary Scanning: Scanning and analyzing the geological composition of a planet, including identifying natural resources and potential mining sites.
Hazard Detection: Using the sensors to detect and analyze potential environmental hazards, such as toxic gas or radiation.
Communications Analysis: Analyzing enemy communications to gather intelligence, intercept transmissions, or even disrupt their communications.
Gravity Detection: Detecting and analyzing variations in gravitational fields, such as identifying hidden tunnels or underground facilities.
Weather Analysis: Using the sensors to analyze weather patterns and conditions, such as detecting storms or changes in atmospheric pressure.