Originally thought to be predecessor to all life and the universe. These spores are incredibly toxic to all biological entities infecting and burrowing into the skin they grow at alarming rate In 4 stages over 24 hours.
The first 4 hours produces a nasty greenish rash on the victim however it is quite painless, does not itch due to an anesthetic effect and often goes undetected. At this time the spores can be removed via burning or freezing the affected area.
Between 4 and 10 hours small painless tumours and fungal growths appear on the victim and the cure requires more advanced medical assistance.
During this period the infected feels great with heightened and strength and dexterity and an overall feeling of well-being While suffering a slight reduction and mental facilities thus it is unlikely for them to notice the tiny tumors and and they are also highly likely to ignore this condition and fail to seek medical assistance.
Over the preceding 10 to 18 hours the infected suffers from increasing mental disabilities enlarged tumors and fungal growths and this precedes to full neuro synapse collapse after 18 hours and the condition becomes irreversible due to extensive brain trauma.
Between 18 and 24 hours the infected collapses into a pile of fungal growth and the true nature of the Amiga Spore becomes apparent during the next 24 hours the rest of the victim is consumed and an Omega Warrior or Omega fungal brain emerges depending on the original physical and mental capacities of the host.
It is believed that this is the only form of reproduction for this highly advanced and intelligent alien race. The resulting Omega creature has an innate spaceborne astral navigational ability and as a 'juvenile' desires only to return home. An innate knowledge of space travel and spaceship technical systems seems to be imparted as part of the fungal DNA thus these creatures can often drive and pilot most conventional spacecraft and often steals these ships for the voyage home.
It is not known what the life expectancy of an Omega is however it is understood by the scientific community that these creatures do not age and are blessed with incredibly efficient rejuvenation and hibernation biotic abilities. Thus even a small shuttlecraft with limited space faring ability can be used for the journey home even though this journey can take a millennia.
Due to the immense disabilities this infection imparts upon it's victims Omega spore is often used as a biological weapon on the black market. Often pirates attacking small communities towns and villages will drop Omega spore over the village only to return 18 hours later for the hazmat cleanup where they torch loot and clean down there bounty before departing. This can have wide ranging and devastating effects upon a continent or even the planet and thus the carrying of a Omega Spoor as highly illegal and punishable by death in most intergalactic societies.
The Omega as a race are very sorry for the pain and suffering there spore causes the lesser races, but there is little they can do, and have signed non expansion agreements with a majority of the empires in the known galaxy as well as assisted in producing several very effective anti spore toxin serums.