In the harsh, unforgiving world of Cybercore combat, the Medic - Triage skill can mean the difference between life and death. With this skill, you are trained to quickly assess the severity of an injury and administer the appropriate medical care in a combat situation.
You are a master of triage, able to determine which injuries are life-threatening and need immediate attention, and which can be addressed later. You can perform battlefield medicine and stabilize injured allies, from applying quick clot and bandages to performing emergency surgery using advanced medical tools and nanobots.
You can also identify and treat the effects of various types of combat, from environmental hazards like radiation to exposure to unknown alien toxins. Your training and quick thinking allow you to keep your team alive in the most dire of situations, ensuring that they can fight another day.
Skill Bonus: +1 Medic
Maneuver Cost: 1 Rest.
Requires: Training
Duration: Passive
Effect: You can treat yourself and up to 3 of your companions during a rest by applying basic first aid, restoring 1d4 HP. once treated in this way, you can only apply First Aid again if the patient gains new wounds.
Skill Bonus: +1 Medic
Maneuver Cost: 1 Rest.
Requires: Tactical Training, First Aid Kit.
Duration: Passive
Effect: You can treat your companions by applying nanites from your first aid kit. This restores 2d6 HP. These spread over the patient body and repair there wounds as best they are able. The nanites add the current wounds to the repair block chain so that further applications of nanites do not interfere with the current repairs that are in progress as this causes mutations and damage on a cellular level. You can only use Field Medic on the same patient again if they gain new wounds. Record your patients New HP total in their medical records, further applications cannot raise there HP above this level.
Skill Bonus: +1 Medic
Maneuver Cost: 1=>3 Actions.
Requires: Tactical Training, First Aid Skill, A Portable Medical Unit (PMU)
Duration: Passive
Effect: You can rapidly treat your companions with nanites patches from your Portable Medical Unit (PMU). This restores 1d4 HP for each action spent applying patches. These patch the patients body and repair there wounds as best they are able. The nanites add the current wounds to the repair block chain so that further applications of nanites do not interfere with the current repairs that are in progress as this causes mutations and damage on a cellular level. You can only use Combat Triage on the same patient again if they gain new wounds and the nanites will not repair any old damage. Record your patients New HP Total in their medical records, further applications cannot raise there HP above this level.
Skill Bonus: +1 Medic
Maneuver Cost: NA.
Requires: Tactical Training.
Duration: Passive
Effect: You have the healing touch when ever you roll one or more 1d4 to restore Hit Points to yourself or one of your companions one of the 1d4's is Wild.
Skill Bonus: +1 Medic
Maneuver Cost: 9 Action.
Requires: Core Training
Duration: Passive
Effect: You have been trained in the use of medical equipment. You can use a medial Table to restore a wounded party member to full health. This procedure is physically taxing on the patients and they gain Fatigued, and are Staggered, so they Lose One Action until they can Rest.
Skill Bonus: +1 Medic
Maneuver Cost: NA.
Requires: Core Training, Healing Hands.
Duration: Passive
Effect: You are either gifted or lucky, when ever you roll one or more 1d6 to restore Hit Points to yourself or one of your companions one of the 1d6's is Wild.
Rapid Triage: You are able to quickly assess a patient's condition and prioritize treatments accordingly, reducing the time it takes to stabilize and move on to the next patient. Shock Treatment: You can administer advanced treatments to quickly stabilize patients who are suffering from shock or trauma, such as the use of synthetic blood or specialized medications. Life Support: You are able to install and monitor advanced life support systems to keep critically injured patients alive until they can receive proper medical attention. Remote Triage: You can remotely assess and diagnose injuries using advanced medical scanners and sensor equipment. Team Triage: You can coordinate a team of medical personnel to work together in triage situations, improving efficiency and patient outcomes. Wound Management: You can quickly clean, seal, and bandage wounds to prevent infection and promote healing. Fracture Treatment: You are skilled in setting and immobilizing broken bones and can perform advanced treatments such as bone regeneration. Chemical Decontamination: You can quickly decontaminate patients who have been exposed to hazardous chemicals or radiation. Hemostasis: You can quickly control bleeding using advanced techniques such as cauterization or synthetic clotting agents. Pain Management: You can administer advanced pain medications and treatments to keep patients comfortable during treatment and recovery. Field Surgery: You can perform emergency surgery in the field using specialized equipment and materials. Medicinal Chemistry: You can synthesize advanced medications and compounds to treat a wide range of injuries and illnesses. Neurological Treatment: You can diagnose and treat complex neurological conditions, such as brain injuries or nerve damage. Cybernetic Repair: You can diagnose and repair cybernetic implants and augmentations. Rehabilitation: You can design and implement rehabilitation programs to help patients recover from injuries and regain their physical and mental abilities.