You are a performer or artist, using your skills to entertain and captivate audiences. Perhaps you come from a family of entertainers or found your love for the arts through your own creative pursuits.
Entertainer As someone with a passing familiarity with the world of entertainment, you know how to work a crowd and make a scene. You might have grown up in the glitz and glamour of a space station's nightlife, or maybe you've just been around the block enough times to know how to put on a good show.
Charismatic: You know how to win over an audience and make them love you. You gain a bonus to any social rolls when performing or entertaining. Quick Change: You're a master of disguise and can change your appearance quickly and convincingly. You gain a bonus to any rolls involving disguise or deception. Quirks:
Diva: You have a bit of an ego and can be difficult to work with. You may cause drama or demand special treatment, which could cause problems for your group. Showman: You love the spotlight and will take any opportunity to show off. You may become distracted or take unnecessary risks to make a scene.
Entertainer You have a knack for getting people to loosen up and enjoy themselves. Maybe you were born into a family of performers or grew up around the stage, but you’ve got a natural talent for singing, dancing, or playing an instrument. You know how to read a crowd and adjust your performance to keep them engaged. Your quirk is that you always feel the need to put on a show, even in the most serious of situations.
Knacks Charismatic: You know how to charm people and make friends easily. Performer: You have a natural talent for singing, dancing, or playing an instrument, and you can easily impress a crowd. Quirks Attention seeker: You always feel the need to be the center of attention. Overemotional: You tend to wear your heart on your sleeve and can be easily upset.