As the Game master feel free to throw these effects on your players if you feel the situation warrants it, remember it is often better to let the players try a wacky idea with a strong penalty than to say it’s not possible.
Name | Effect |
Boon | You add +2 to your roll |
Bane | You take -2 to your roll |
Bonus | You add a 1d4 to your roll |
Hampered | The Hampered Ability is Halved 1/2 (Round Down) |
Impaired | The Impaired Ability is Quartered 1/4 (Round Down) |
Advantaged | When you Roll a d20 roll 2d20 and Take the Highest |
Advantaged-3 | When you Roll a d20 roll 3d20 and Take the Highest |
Advantaged-4 | When you Roll a d20 roll 4d20 and Take the Highest |
Disadvantaged | When you Roll a d20 roll 2d20 and Take the Lowest |
Disadvantaged-3 | When you Roll a d20 roll 3d20 and Take the Lowest |
Disadvantaged-4 | When you Roll a d20 roll 4d20 and Take the Lowest |
Many conditions apply one or more effects to a character's ability or skill check. For quick reference the effects are listed here, they are also given with each condition.
For full details see the Conditions A-Z list.
Broken, (item only) Equipment has reached a Quality of 1.
Suffering, You take the listed damage at the start of each round, until the condition ends. e.g Bleeding or On Fire. DOT:1dx
Dead, You cannot benefit from healing. Also, you’re Dead.
Sensitive, You take an extra dice of damage from the source you are Sensitive to.
Susceptible, You take Double damage from the source you are Susceptible to. You make saves Baned against this source.
Vulnerable, You take Triple damage from the source you are Vulnerable to. You make saves Disadvantaged against this source.
Anathema, You take Quad Damage from the source which is your Anathema. You make saves Disadvantaged-2 against this source.
Protected, You take half damage from any source your are Protected from. The Protecting Source takes the other Half.
Resistant, You take half damage from any source your are Resistant to.
Hardened, You take quarter damage from any source your are Hardened to.
Immune, You take no damage from any source your are Immune to.
Staggered, You Lose One Action
Stupefied, You Lose Two Actions
Dazed, You can only move. You are Slowed
Supprised,You are also Off Guard
Stunned, You can take no actions.
Unconscious, You’re knocked out or sleeping. You are Helpless. You can take no Actions.
Paralyzed, You are Pinned, All Limbs, Restrained and Helpless.
Pinned, One or more of your limbs are Pinned, You cannot use that Limb.
Prone, Disadvantaged Melee, Attackers gain Melee Advantage against you.
Restrained, Your Move is 0.
Helpless, Tri-Disadvantaged Melee, Tri-Disadvantaged Ranged, You are considered Prone.
Fleeing, You must Flee from your Fear until it is out of sight and you have recovered from being Frightened.
Free-Fall, You continue to move in the direction you are Traveling, This does not require an action.
Uncontrolled, You have lost control of your movement. You are Disadvantaged. You are Freefalling.
Slowed, Your Speed is Hampered So You Move at Half Speed
Hasted, Your Speed is improved Move at 1.5 Times your Speed (Round up)
Encumbered, You are Slowed
Overburdened, You are Impeeded, Distracted and Off Guard
Overloaded, You are Impeeded, Distracted and Off Guard and Crawling
Unnerved, Hampered Metaphysical
Distracted, Penalised Metaphysical
Frightened, Disadvantaged Metaphysical
Fleeing, You must Flee from your Target until it is out of sight and you have recovered from your fear. Attacks against fleeing targets are Disadvantaged Ranged.
Fixated, You are Focused on the object of your Fascination, You are also Distracted.
Insane, Disadvantaged Mental, Disadvantaged Metaphysical
Focusing, You are surprised by anything that you are not Focusing on. Attacks against you gain a Boon
Flustered, Your Metal Abilities are Hampered.
Reeling, You are Baned Mental
Intimidated, You are Disadvantaged Mental
Confused, You are Flustered. Roll on the table to determine your actions.
Nauseated, You cannot take any action that requires Focus.
Blinded, Act Carefully, or Fall Prone. All Targets are Concealed.
Deafened, Your Perception and Reactions are Hampered,
Dazzled, Your Perception is Hampered, Targeted attacks are made with disadvantage.
Fatigued, You are Staggered
Exhausted, You are Staggered, Slowed, and Distracted
Weakened, Baned Physical
Enfeebled, Disadvantaged Physical
Sickened, Your Physical Abilities are Hampered
Nauseated, You cannot take any action that requires Focus