You are a skilled gatherer and seller of information, often trading secrets and intelligence for profit or power. You may have developed a knack for uncovering secrets or dealing in sensitive information through your own curiosity or through exposure to a world of espionage and intrigue.
Information Broker As someone with a passing familiarity with the world of information brokering, you know how to get your hands on valuable intel and use it to your advantage. Maybe you've got connections in the right places, or maybe you've just got a natural talent for uncovering secrets.
Connections: You have an extensive network of contacts and sources that you can call upon for information. You gain a bonus to any rolls involving gathering information or making deals. Investigator: You know how to find the truth and can quickly piece together clues and evidence to uncover valuable intel. You gain a bonus to any rolls involving investigation or deduction.
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Information Broker As an information broker, you know where to find the dirt on anyone and everyone. You have a vast network of contacts and the skills to obtain sensitive information. Whether you're working for a corporation, government, or an individual, your knowledge is highly sought after. You might have learned this trade by growing up on the streets or by working as a hacker. Your familiarity with information technology and communication networks have given you a unique perspective on how to get the information you need.
Fast Talker: You have a way with words that can get you out of any tight spot. You can quickly come up with plausible lies or cover stories that can convince others to believe you.
Networker: You have an extensive network of contacts and associates that you can call upon to obtain information or get you out of a sticky situation.
Paranoia: You're always looking over your shoulder, convinced that someone is after you or watching you.
Addiction: You have a compulsive need for more information, even if it means putting yourself in danger or breaking the law.
Information Broker As an information broker, you are the go-to person for those seeking knowledge or trying to keep information hidden. Your exposure to information and the people seeking it has given you a knack for reading people and understanding their motives. However, your work has also put you in danger, and you’ve learned to be quick on your feet to avoid getting caught.
Networker: You have a vast network of contacts in various industries and organizations, allowing you to quickly obtain information and leverage favors. Insightful: You have a keen sense for when people are lying or hiding something and can easily extract the truth from them. Quirks:
Overconfident: You may be a bit too confident in your abilities and can sometimes take on jobs that are above your level of expertise. Paranoia: Your line of work has made you constantly suspicious of those around you, and you have a hard time trusting even your closest allies.
Information Broker You’ve got a finger on the pulse of everything that’s going on. You know people, and people know you. You might have picked up your skills through social connections or working in the shadows. You can get your hands on information that others can’t, and you know how to leverage that information to your advantage. Your quirk is that you tend to be a bit of a control freak and don’t like to leave things to chance.
Knacks Connected: You have a vast network of social connections and can get information that others can’t. Persuasive: You know how to use information to your advantage and can be very convincing. Quirks Control freak: You tend to be a bit of a control freak and don’t like to leave things to chance. Manipulative: You’re not above manipulating people to get what you want, and it can be hard for people to trust you.
Information Broker You've picked up on how the underworld works and you know what people want and how to get it for them, for a price. You're a broker of secrets and the deals you make can be the difference between life and death. You're good at getting the information you need and you're not afraid to get your hands dirty to do it.
Gather Intel: You have a knack for getting information out of people. You know how to ask the right questions and can always find out what you need to know. Negotiation: You're a natural at bargaining and haggling. You can get the best deal out of any situation. Quirks:
Information Addiction: You can't resist gathering information, even if it's not useful. You're always on the lookout for the next big piece of intel, even if it means taking unnecessary risks. Paranoid: You're always looking over your shoulder, wondering who might be watching you. You're suspicious of everyone, even your closest allies.