You are a brilliant mind, often working in a laboratory or research facility to unlock the secrets of the universe. Maybe you were inspired to become a scientist by a mentor or teacher who recognized your intellectual potential, or you may have stumbled upon a scientific breakthrough through your own research and experimentation.
Scientist You've always had a natural curiosity about the world around you, and this led you to pursue a career in science. Whether you specialize in biology, physics, chemistry, or some other field, you have a deep understanding of how the universe works and are always eager to learn more. You may have studied under a renowned professor or made breakthrough discoveries on your own.
Scientific Analysis: You have a talent for analyzing data and drawing insights from it. Invention: You can use your knowledge to create new technologies and devices that can help your crew on their missions. Quirks:
Absent-Minded: You can get so focused on your work that you forget about everything else going on around you. Skeptic: You approach new ideas and concepts with a healthy dose of skepticism and may be slow to accept something as true until you have verified it for yourself.
Scientist You have a passing familiarity with the scientific method and the pursuit of knowledge through experimentation and observation. You may have been a lab assistant or have family members who are scientists.
Analytical Mind: You have a talent for analyzing data and making connections between seemingly unrelated facts. Inventor: You have a talent for creating new technologies and devices, and enjoy pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible. Quirks:
Absent-Minded: You have a tendency to become so engrossed in your work that you forget about everything else around you. Perfectionist: You have a tendency to become frustrated when experiments or theories do not produce the desired results, and may become obsessive in your pursuit of perfection.