Name | Boehec |
Sight | Good |
Hearing | Excellent |
Touch | Excellent |
Smell | Good |
Taste | Minimal |
Special | Tremor |
Ant like race
If you want to scale up an ant to human size, you can't keep its legs in proportion, or else it will just collapse. You need to make its legs much bigger, and more directly under its body, or else it won't even support its own weight.
This is commonly referred to as the "square-cube law". Basically, the strength of something relates to its cross-sectional area - how thick it is. If you scale up something by a factor of 2, then the cross-sectional area of the arms/legs/etc increases by a factor of 4, i.e. the square of the scale factor.
However, the weight of something increases with its volume. This increases as the cube of the scale factor. So if you double the scale, your object now weights 8 times as much.
In practice, what this means is that small things can support themselves with very thin spindly legs, while large things need very solid legs directly underneath them. If you want to scale up an ant to human size, you can't keep its legs in proportion, or else it will just collapse. You need to make its legs much bigger, and more directly under its body, or else it won't even support its own weight.
Though selective breading and a diet of highly nutritious toxins your carapace has resistance to certian damage types. Select one Damage type, you gain Resistance to that damage type. You can take this feat more than once, each time your may select a different damage type.
Requires: Resistant Carapace in Selected Damage Type. Effect: Though vigorous training, selective breading and a diet of highly nutritious toxins your carapace is Hardened to certian damage types. Select one Damage type, you gain Hardened to that damage type. You can take this feat more than once, each time your may select a different damage type provided you have Resistance in that type.