Junkers are a Space-faring race that lives onboard massive Junker fleets like the roaming gypsies of old Earth. They fled the destruction of their homeworld thousands of years before, and the extended millennia in the void has not been kind to the Junkers. Extensive space radiation devastated their bodies. Slowly dying and suffering mass infertility as the centuries rolled by, they resorted to gene splicing, organ harvesting, and stasis technologies to preserve their race. If the astro-historians are correct and the Junkers of today are the ancestral descendants of the Kanarie, they shed no light on the appearance of the common Origin of the two species.
The Modern Junker consists of a collection of sensory parts that float and orbit a center mass; these remote parts appear to be part machine, part original Junker organic material and are coupled to the center by thera-magnetic data linkages. These short-range links transmit visual, audio, and other sensory information to the central nervous cortex and decision processor, forming the Junker's brain. In return, they receive regenerative energies that keep the wetware components of the remote organs alive. These linkages are incredibly resilient to outside interference. However, strong magnetic radiation can disrupt the data transfer, sometimes leaving the Junker blind or deaf and unable to control its extremities until the radiation passes.
Junkers appear to have long since eliminated the need to consume outside organic matter for sustenance; human scientists theorize that this was one of the early adaptions required for Ark ship space travel, as maintaining nutrients to a growing population would have led to inevitable food shortages. Junkers have refined their biology so that instead of food, they require a small but continual supply of power. This is perhaps why Junker ECell Tech is some of the best in the universe.
As a race, Junkers keep very private lives; how they breed or how their society is structured is not known. No known instances of another race being invited or allowed aboard a Junker Ark ship have been recorded. However, it is known that Junkers do exchange external parts from time to time, swapping an eye for an audio receptor or a mechanical claw for an extra foot pad. It appears this can be for many reasons, but anthropologists have also noted that at times, "Feet" or "Eyes" just seem to be the "In thing."
The Junkers have to have yet to find a world suitable for resettlement. Many suspect they have been traveling for so long that they have lost the desire to settle and prefer the nomadic lifestyle. While they have been offered plenty of viable worlds by Unicore, upon examination, they have simply come up with one reason or another for them to be deemed unsuitable, and so it never passes the Junkers Majority vote requirement.
Scientists also suspect that the millennium-long exposure to space travel has altered the Junkers' biology to such an extent that prolonged exposure to a sustained gravitational and magnetic field, as experienced planet-side, could be detrimental to their health. Junker scientists refuse to confirm such speculation.
The Junkers, wanderers of the cosmos with origins shrouded in mystery, carry with them a profound spiritual heritage that has been both a guiding light and a burden through the eons. Central to Junker spirituality is the belief in the Great Renewal, a future event of monumental significance that has shaped their culture, actions, and very essence.
The arc ships that house the Junker populations are not just vessels of steel and circuitry; they are floating microcosms of a society that has evolved under the harsh dictates of survival in the void. Within these behemoth constructs, a caste system took root, segregating the Junkers not by wealth or occupation, but by proximity to the ship's radiation shields. Those relegated to the bowels of the arc ships, where shielding was weakest, bore the brunt of cosmic radiation's cruel touch. Their bodies withered, their genetic material frayed, and over generations, they became a people in decline, piecing together existence with scavenged organs and mechanical augments.
Amidst this struggle against the decay of their flesh and lineage, a myth took root, growing in the hearts of the Junkers like a beacon in the endless night. It tells of the "Clean" — the original Junkers, unsullied by radiation, disease, or the corruption of time, preserved in stasis deep within the sanctum of the oldest arc ships. Encased in vaults shielded against the ravages of space, these progenitors are said to slumber, waiting for the day when their descendants find a new world worthy of the Great Renewal.
The Great Renewal is envisioned as a time of awakening and restoration, where the Clean will emerge from their timeless sleep to share their untainted genetics with all Junkerkind. This event, it is believed, will herald the dawn of a new era for the Junkers — a return to biological integrity, a cure for the ailments that have plagued them for millennia, and the start of a life tethered to solid ground under the light of a nurturing star. The Renewal is not just a restoration of health but a rebirth of Junker society and culture, a chance to reclaim a heritage lost in the dark corridors of their ships.
This belief in the Great Renewal drives the Junkers in their relentless search across the stars. Each world they encounter is scrutinized, not just for its suitability for settlement, but as a potential cradle for the Renewal. Yet, despite offers from Unicore and other entities, no world has yet satisfied the stringent criteria set forth by Junker lore. Some speculate that the Junkers have grown too accustomed to their nomadic existence; others whisper that no planet can truly offer the sanctuary needed for the Renewal to take place.
To the outside observer, the Junker doctrine of the Great Renewal might seem a fanciful hope, a myth perpetuated to bring comfort to a people marked by misfortune. Yet, to the Junkers, it is the essence of their identity and their hope for the future. It is a belief so ingrained that it transcends mere religion, becoming the very fabric of their existence.
As the Junkers continue their endless voyage through the stars, the legend of the Clean and the promise of the Great Renewal remain the guiding stars by which they navigate. It is a faith that sustains them, a dream that one day, beyond the next nebula or within the shadow of an undiscovered planet, they will find their new home and begin anew. The Great Renewal stands as a testament to the resilience of hope in the face of oblivion, a reminder that even in the darkest reaches of space, the light of renewal cannot be extinguished.
Name | Junker |
Sight | Varies |
Hearing | Varies |
Touch | Varies |
Smell | Varies |
Taste | Varies |
Special | NA |
Junkers, the enigmatic space-faring race known for their resilience and ingenuity, face a unique challenge from the outset of their existence. Born into the lower echelons of their society aboard colossal arc ships, Junkers inherit a legacy of survival against cosmic adversities. A stark testament to this struggle is their sensory capabilities, which are significantly impacted by their living conditions and genetic heritage. As descendants of the lower caste, they emerge into the universe with their senses at a rudimentary baseline, a blank slate upon which their journey and interactions with the galaxy will etch their path.
At the commencement of their saga, Junker players are granted 7 sensory points to distribute amongst their five basic senses: Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell, and Taste. This allocation system reflects the Junkers' modular and adaptive biology, allowing for customization based on the player's preferences and the character's intended role within the universe.
Starting with all senses at 'None', Junkers must carefully decide how to allocate these points to enhance their sensory capabilities. Each point can elevate a sense by one level, evolving it from non-existent to minimal, and further along the spectrum towards average or beyond, depending on the player's strategy and aspirations for their character.
Despite the broad spectrum of possibilities, a pattern emerges amongst Junkers venturing into Unicore society, seeking to forge alliances, accumulate wealth, and perhaps, find a cure for their race's genetic plight. The typical Junker sensor setup, honed for efficiency and social integration, is as follows:
Name | Junker |
Sight | Average |
Hearing | Average |
Touch | Minimal |
Smell | None |
Taste | None |
Special | NA |
This configuration balances the necessity of navigating and interacting within a diverse universe while adhering to the constraints of their initial sensory point allocation. Sight and hearing are prioritized for their immediate value in communication and awareness, essential traits for any being venturing into the vastness of space. Touch, though minimal, provides a necessary tactile feedback loop, while smell and taste are deemed luxuries that can be compensated for through technology or simply foregone.
The initial allocation of sensory points is merely the beginning for a Junker character. The universe is rich with opportunities for augmentation, adaptation, and growth. Racial feats, technological enhancements, and the experiences garnered from their adventures allow Junkers to refine their senses further, surpassing their initial limitations.
This journey of sensory enhancement is not just a quest for personal betterment; it is a race against time and fate, as every Junker yearns for the Great Renewal. It is a belief that drives them to explore the unknown, to amass Creds and knowledge, all in the hope of reversing the genetic decline that has plagued their race for millennia.
The sensory path a Junker chooses is a reflection of their aspirations, their role in the cosmos, and their contribution to the legacy of their people. As they navigate the challenges and marvels of the galaxy, their senses will not only define their interactions but also shape their destiny in the quest for the Great Renewal.