You are a pioneer and builder, often working to establish new colonies and settlements in uncharted territory. Perhaps you were part of a colonization mission, recruited for your skills as a builder or engineer, or you may have found yourself in a leadership position after helping to establish a successful community on a new world.
Settler As a settler, you have a deep connection to a particular planet or region of space. You may have been born and raised in a specific location or have spent years exploring and colonizing new frontiers. You have a unique knowledge of the local terrain, weather patterns, and resources. You may have learned skills such as farming, mining, or construction that are specific to your location. Your understanding of the local culture and customs make you an invaluable member of any team operating in your area.
Survivalist: You have a knack for living off the
Settler As a settler, you've lived your entire life on a frontier planet, working the land and building up your community. You have a deep understanding of agriculture, resource management, and self-sufficiency, as well as a close relationship with the natural world around you. You may have learned your skills from your parents or from the other settlers in your community.
Survivalist: You have a knack for finding food, water, and shelter in even the harshest environments. Farming: You know how to cultivate crops and raise livestock in a way that maximizes yields and minimizes waste.
Settler You have a passing familiarity with the life of a settler, having grown up in a remote or frontier location. You may have family members who are homesteaders or have worked on terraforming projects.
Sure, here are the remaining legacies with passing familiarity descriptions and two unique Knacks and Quirks for each:
Settler You grew up in the harsh frontier settlements on distant planets where life was a daily struggle. As a Settler, you learned to be self-sufficient, resourceful, and to make the most of what you have. Your experience surviving in these challenging environments makes you an asset to any team. Your passing familiarity with this legacy means you have a knack for finding resources and adapting to different environments, but it can also lead to a certain recklessness in your actions.
Knack: Resourceful - You are able to find and make use of resources that others might overlook, whether it's in the form of scavenged materials or using local flora and fauna to your advantage.
Knack: Adaptability - You are able to quickly adapt to different environments and situations, making the best of what you have available.
Quirk: Reckless - Your experience surviving on the frontier has made you somewhat fearless and prone to taking risks, even when it might not be the best idea.
Quirk: Independent - You have a tendency to rely on yourself first and foremost, which can sometimes cause you to clash with others who prefer to work as a team.