In the vastness of space, the ability to pilot a vehicle can mean the difference between life and death. The Vehicles - Piloting (Air/Space) skill encompasses the know-how and experience necessary to fly and operate all manner of airborne and space-faring vehicles.
As a skilled pilot, you are able to navigate through treacherous asteroid fields, dogfight enemy ships, and make high-speed maneuvers through the upper atmosphere of a planet. You know how to expertly handle your vessel in any situation, whether it’s a tiny one-seater fighter or a massive capital ship.
Your knowledge of physics, spatial geometry, and engineering allows you to operate the complex systems that make up your vehicle with ease. You can calculate trajectories, plot courses, and handle the subtle nuances of atmospheric flight and space combat.
In the midst of battle, you are a master of strategy and tactics, able to anticipate your opponent's moves and outmaneuver them at every turn. You are a true master of the skies and the void, and your skills are highly valued by those who seek to explore the reaches of the universe.
Cost: 2 Skill points
Maneuver Cost: 1 Action.
Requires: Expert Training
Duration: Passive
Barrel Roll: Perform a quick barrel roll maneuver to evade enemy fire or obstacles.
Tight Maneuvering: Perform tight maneuvers to dodge enemy fire and obstacles while maintaining speed and control.
Evasive Flying: Perform evasive flying techniques to dodge incoming enemy fire and pursue targets.
Asteroid Navigation: Expertly navigate through asteroid fields, avoiding obstacles and dangers.
Gravity Well Navigation: Navigate through gravity wells with precision to avoid collisions and maintain control.
Sensor Jamming: Use advanced sensor jamming techniques to temporarily disable or confuse enemy sensors.
Stealth Flying: Use advanced flying techniques and technology to remain hidden from enemy sensors and avoid detection.
Emergency Landing: Make an emergency landing in a dangerous or hostile environment, utilizing emergency systems and procedures.
Dogfighting: Engage in aerial combat, using advanced piloting skills and techniques to outmaneuver and defeat opponents.
Interceptor: Expertly intercept and engage enemy vessels with precision and control.
Hyperspace Navigation: Navigate through hyperspace, avoiding obstacles and dangers while maintaining speed and direction.
Tactical Maneuvering: Use advanced piloting skills to perform tactical maneuvers, such as flanking or positioning for optimal firing angles.
Capital Ship Navigation: Pilot large capital ships with precision and control, coordinating with a team to maneuver and engage in combat.
Sensor Evasion: Use advanced techniques to evade enemy sensors and avoid detection, including masking or distorting ship signatures.
Zero-G Maneuvering: Expertly navigate through zero-gravity environments, including spacewalks or ship repair operations.