A Core represents a group of people with a common interest; this is either an upstanding Corporation or a more shady Syndicate.
Man Steps from the shadows: Hey!, you gota prove we are shady first!
A Second thing whispers from the shadows: No, my friend! You are so shady; you could sell Dyson spheres to the darkers!
Luna hoons are some of the bravest or craziest, yet the most daring, pilots in the cybercore universe. Luna hoons get their name from both the markers they race around and the lunatic personality traits required to even risk such a sport. But what a sport it is; the stakes are high in every category. Watched by trillions across the multiverse, the money that changes hands over these races would purchase several small galaxy clusters. It's a sport in which one races for money around the moons and asteroid fields of the outer rims, these space pilots and hyper warp junkies race some of the fastest and most dangerous custom-built one or two-man scout ships in the known universe.
Often built from scraps of frigates, tug-haulers, or anything that has a large, powerful space drive, these speeders are known for both their speed, agility, and their ability to spontaneously scramble their drivers like eggs if the inertial dampeners fail, making the sport of luna hooning one of the fastest growing and deadly thrill rides in the galaxy today.
Covers any astronaut that makes their living out in the depths of space. Generally refers to a pilot from Asteroid hoppers to Long haulers. Still, it can also refer to any deep spacer crew member.
Someone who has spent their entire life planet side. They have never had the inclination or wealth to afford the G's Fee.
The cost in Creds to get void side. It's called G's fee as it's the cost in weight/fuel to escape the gravity well of the planet. The larger the planet, the higher G's Fee.
Being on the planet, messing with the Grounders.
A one-way trip in a Ground Pounder, a small iron grav-busting re-entry vehicle well known for the crater, it leaves as much as for the two inches its occupants lose due to spinal compression upon "landing." Once embedded, it makes a short-term habitation pod until it eventually rusts out.
Being off Planet, Either in a ship, Space station, Orbitor, or in deep space.
The standard cost in Credits for living upside this tax covers your Oxygen, waste disposal access to a shared sleeping pod, and one processed protein food slab a day.
A Pleb who was dumb enough to run out of Credits Upside yet was lucky enough to become an indentured servant to a corporation.
The Corp will pay your O-Bills, but you are nothing more than a corp-hack at this point, doing whatever dirty and often dangerous work they require. Even if you managed a side hustle to get ahead enough to buy your way out, your spacing days are over. Unicore Law requires all Corps to release Indents onto a survivable planet inhabited by their species.
Thus, once you become an Indent of the Core, your release fee and freedom must therefore include one last trip planetside, as moving anything off-planet is exorbitantly expensive; moving the living on-planet in a survivable way isn't cheap either, with a Ground Pounder Trip being the least costly, most Indents never buy there way out of servitude.
As "Habitable" is subjective, mining syndicates are often "generous" enough to cover the Ground Pounder Trip contract. Of course, it's a planet of their choosing, and it just so happens there is no way to earn a crust down there other than picking up a shovel. So Indents with a good side hustle often chose to stay with the Corp until they could pay their own "planetside" fee or bribe their way onto a cargo vessel and escape to the Outer Rim.
The round trip cost of landing Planetside and getting back into space.
Describes leaving a planet from a designated spaceport or space station, but often referred to in the darker dealings as assisting someone out of an airlock.
Departing the planet's orbit and entering space.
Typically refers to the act of landing on a planet, generally via a ground pounder or other un-powered lander.
The mass exodus of a species from a dying leaving the planet.
A slang term referring to the thrill of leaving the planet's surface and escaping into space.
A mass departure from a region of space, generally due to a nearby star's collapse.
Leaving a planetary space station for deep space.
Having enough Creds to depart your current planetside environment.
Flying between the moons of a planet, asteroid belts, or other low-gravity structures.
The launch into interstellar space.
Someone who is not local and doesn't understand the customs or unspoken rules and laws.
Hidden Markets deep in the galactic DarkNets deal in anything from software piracy to illegal weapons and outlawed AI mods. Most illegal digital trades occur somewhere in the DarkNet or are organized there for trade in the physical world (MeatSpace). Trades of Hazardous and illicit goods that require physical trade are generally arranged on the DarkNet.
A Nebula Trade is a physical exchange of "highly sensitive" equipment or illicit goods. The term gets its name from the common meeting place of the exchangers, deep inside Nebula, as well as a reference to the grey and Nebulous trading as it might be seen by law enforcement. The locations of hidden nebulae and another space phenomenon where tracking and tracing are almost impossible are well-guarded and valuable secrets.
Earth Translation “All Are One”.
Your standard soldier, trained by the Confed Military, the Mercs or even C-Sec. Has access to a large assortment of firepower and enemy suppression weapons to keep the enemy pinned down and dealt with while the Squad gets on with the mission at hand.
Powered Armour Operator, Confed, and Robo are the organizations that generally field powered armor when called upon. These heavy weapons suits provide the ultimate stopping power and environmental protection, however, they often give up considerable maneuverability to do so. The Mercs tend to field Boohec soldiers to fill this role as the powered equipment can be expensive to leave behind if the operation has to be aborted, and the lost equipment is rarely covered by the contractor. However, when it comes to fielding an M240 submachine gun or tossing an alien out an airlock, you can’t go past powered armor.
When it comes to scouting undetected SAROS, CREED, ICE, and even ROBO have a lot to offer, the agility of the SAROS flight suit is second to none when it comes to exploring derelict ships abandoned in space. CREED and ICE operatives have long since mastered the art of security evasion and site penetration even a ROBO stealth drone can relay vital info and situation reports back to a squad prior to ingress into hostile territory.
Drone & Robotics Engineers are the ‘BotBoys’ while your Spanners take care of the Weapon, Armour, and vehicle maintenance, These roles are critical when it comes to getting the Squad in and out in one piece. Gear breaks down under the stresses of combat and constant use, and if you damage your dropship on the way in, then this mission is a one-way ticket. If you are going into hostile territory without an Engineer covering your back, you better bring enough gear to get you in and out twice over.
The face man and Counter-Intelligence operative for the party. With a good spook, you will go in knowing where the guards are and what they had for dinner last night, with a really good spook half the guards would be laid up with dysentery and the other half will be bribed to look the other way. Knowing who to talk to and why, and what the other sides goals and motives are means you have already won half the battle, and if you are stuck in a Jam they will have a string to pull to get you out of most sticky situations, cause it ain’t who you know, but what you know about who you know if you catch my drift.
I’m not a demolitions expert, I’m a cityscape interior decorator. There are times when walls, buildings, bridges, or the main server room, present themselves as obstacles to the Squad, the Demolitions Expert or “Large scale renovations consultant” is an expert at removing such obstacles and clearing the way for the more subtle methods of entry, like a J950 13 ton powered battle walker. Often experts at both civil and mechanical engineering your Boom guy can often cut through a stubborn door as easily as removing the wall it’s attached to. Just make sure your squads ok with you alerting every enemy in a 3-mile radius. Besides, the number of unsolvable situations is inversely proportional to the size of the explosion.
Cyberspace Binary Alignment Specialist. Your everyday Techhead is adept at subverting the enemy's defenses and systems, those armored Robo guards would look a lot less threatening if they were on your side, Oh look we now have camera access to the entire base. Hey, check out these compromising photos of the ambassador’s wife I found on this secured Nas Node. He is that not the many-tentacled Bovonary Emissary, eww that’s just not right, Oh I didn’t know that was possible, I bet these are they are worth some credits for their educational value alone.
In a Tech universe having a Techhead on your squads is often invaluable and can get you in and out of some ticky situations. Electronic Doors, Security systems, central mainframes, PDA’s, and offline Credit stores are all valid targets. Just don’t trip the AI security defense systems. That would be bad.
Respect your Pilot or Jet Jockey, often they are your ticket home. Most missions will require a pilot of some sort, either an experienced Dropship pilot for planetside runs or a Rockhopper for navigating tricky asteroid fields to find that Black ops laboratory. Once you are ground side, there is often an overland crawler required to get to the mission. Space, Air, Sea, and Ground trained Pilots are often required to get in and out of the mission zone, they a definitely handy to have around in case an emergency extraction is required and they need to remotely operate the dropship or crawler.
At the end of each tour there is often a selection of missions available, chat with your party and sort out the one that is the best fit for your squad.
From using a field medical scanner and diagnosing your insides, thus ensuring that the purple fruit you just ate isn't going to eat its own way out of your corpse to replacing your colon when that purple fruit instead grows hooked spikes in your digestive tract. Medics are generally saving lives the universe over and are an excellent addition to any squad.