You are a nomad and adventurer, often journeying to new and unexplored regions of the galaxy. Perhaps you were born into a family of travelers or found yourself drawn to a life of exploration and discovery through your own experiences and passions.
Traveler You’ve spent most of your life on the move, visiting new places, and meeting new people. You’re adaptable and resourceful, able to fit in wherever you find yourself.
Multilingual: You’ve picked up a variety of languages over your travels and can communicate with a wide range of people. Streetwise: You know how to navigate unfamiliar territories and can find what you need in even the most chaotic of places. Quirks:
Restless: You have trouble staying in one place for too long and always feel the pull of the road. Lack of Roots: You don’t have a strong sense of home or belonging and struggle to form deep connections with others.