Players and Certain Bosses have CatchPhrases; they can slide these into the conversation for effects that can come into play immediately or if a triggering condition occurs within the specified duration.
CatchPhrases make the Big Bad Evil Monologs more of a conversation of threats and promises for the near future unless the heroes manage to talk their way out of their impeeding doom.
What makes CatchPhrase even more interesting is CatchCounters. If the Target of the CatchPhrase has the CatchCounter, they can turn the tide on CatchPhrase and have it backfire on the user. A CatchCounters completely nullifies the CatchPhrase and instead applies the CatchCounters effect.
Players and Certain Bosses have CatchPhrases; they can slide these into the conversation for effects that can come into play immediately or if a triggering condition occurs within the specified duration.
CatchPhrases make the Big Bad Evil Monologs more of a conversation of threats and promises for the near future unless the heroes manage to talk their way out of their impeeding doom.
Similar to CatchPhrases, but more reactionary, a catch pose lets the player strike a pose or adopt a style to gain certain benefits or resistances to triggering effects.
Flex: - To show off or boast, often related to one's accomplishments. Three Point Landing: You reduce your falling distance by a third. Middle Finger: You gain a Bane to any social interactions of the target allies and a Boon to any social interactions of their enemies. Don't look back: We don't even turn around: As you walk away from a demolition event, you gain a Bonus to the saves for being in the blast or debris radius.
"I see you're Adulting" - The act of behaving like a responsible adult "Total SNAFU" : "Aliens, man. They controlled our minds." - They Live "Beam me up, Scotty." : You gain a bonus to one roll during Stellar Egress "Because you're worth it." "BFF Bud" - Best Friends Forever "I'll Be Back" - "Can you hear me now?": "Cancel culture" "Chillax man" "Clap back shut ya trap:" "Danger, Will Robinson! Danger" "Do or do not. There is no try." "E.T. phone home." - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial "Elementary, my dear whats his face:" "Engage!" "Make it so": "Exterminate!" "Total Facepalm" "Hey FOMO" - Fear Of Missing Out "Frenemies?" - Friends who act like enemies "You Gassed man" - Excited or overly confident. "Ghosting" - Cutting off all communication with someone, typically in a dating context "You are my kindda floater" - "Go ahead, make my day." "It's Going off man!" "Great Scott!" - Back to the Future "Hasta la vista, baby." - Terminator 2: Judgment Day "Have it your way." "He's dead, Jim." "Here's Johnny!" "Here's looking at you, kid." "Houston, we have a problem." "I am Groot." "I am your father." "I can't do that, Dave." "I don't believe in no-win scenarios." "I feel the need for speed." "I have a cunning plan." - Blackadder "I see dead people." "I see what you did there." "I see you." "I'll be back." "Shaken, not stirred." "I'll have what she's having." "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." "I'm king of the world!" "We are practically gods!" "Lovin' it." "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV." "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that." "I'm the Doctor." "I'm too old for this s**t." "I've got a bad feeling about this." "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts." - Lion King (song) "I've made a huge mistake." "Mistakes were made..." "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe." "I've seen shit that will turn you white" "If you build it, they will come." "In space, no one can hear you scream." "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood." "It's a trap!" "It's a vibe thing" "It's all in the reflexes." "It's not you, it's me." "It's the real thing." "Just keep it between the bitches." "Just keep swimming." "Let's get ready to rumble!" "Life is like a box of grenades." "I'm Lit, You're Lit, the Fuse it Lit..." "Live long and prosper." "Ya want keep it on the down low" "Make it so." "May the Force be with you." "Melts in your mouth, doesn't it" "Mic drop" "No cap" "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." "On fleek" "One does not simply walk into Mordor." "Resistance is futile." "Savage" "Serenity now!" "Show me the money!" "In case you missed it, I'm shaking my head." "So long, and thanks for all the fish." "So say we all." "Stay on target." - Star Wars "That's a no from me." "That's not logical." "That's what she said." "The cake is a lie." "The spice must flow." "The truth is out there." "There's no place like home." "They're here." "Think different." "This is the way." "I have spoken." "Throw shade" "TMI" - Too Much Information "To boldly go where no one has gone before." "To infinity and beyond!" "Wax on, wax off." "We come in peace. Shoot to kill" "We're on a mission from God." "Where's the beef?" "Why so serious?" "This loot is YOLOSWAG" "You are the weakest link" "You can't handle the truth!" "You talking to me?" "You're killing me" "burn baby burn" "In the pipeline 5 by 5" "It's game over man game over" "What are you looking at punk" "What loot?"" "YOLO right?" - You Only Live Once "Oy look at the juicy Skunk" "Oh shit" "The Doctor is in"
"I'm to sexy for this <>" Gives you a Bonus(1) when avoiding a mental Effect. Counter :"Well actually you're not..." Gives you a Penalty(2) when avoiding a mental Effect.
"No No, After you" "But I insist" "But wait there more" Bonus(1) to Social skills when selling. Counter :"I don't need anymore steak knives..." Penalty(2) to Social skills.
"Is that a blaster in your pocket? or are you just happy to see me?" Bonus(1) to Social skills when postivily influencing. Counter :"It is, in fact a blaster..." Penalty(2) to persuasion.