You are a Picker, A Racer who is not in the game to win, You are in the game to salvage and sell the inevitable wrecks that occur, The parts alone are often worth a small fortune let alone the blue prints and secret intel that goes into a winning build.
You are a skilled scavenger and collector of valuable items, often venturing into dangerous environments to retrieve rare and valuable artifacts. Perhaps you come from a family of collectors or scavengers, or you developed a fascination with relics and lost treasures through your own adventures.
Your Father was a Racer.
Luna hoons are some of the bravest or craziest, yet the most daring, pilots in the cybercore universe. Luna hoons get their name from both the markers they race around and the lunatic personality traits required to even risk such a sport. But what a sport it is, the stakes are high in every category. Watch by trillions across the multiverse the money that changes hands over these races would purchase several small galaxy clusters. It’s a sport in which one races for money around the moons and asteroid fields of the outer rims, these space pilots and hyper warp junkies race some of the fastest and most dangerous custom-built one or two-man scout ships in the known universe.
Often built from scraps of frigates, tug-haulers, or anything that has a large powerful space drive these speeders are known for both their speed, agility, and their ability to spontaneously scramble their drivers like eggs if the inertial dampeners fail, making the sport of luna hooning one of the fastest growing and deadly thrill rides in the galaxy today.
Most luna-hoons survive maybe two or three seasons on the circuit, Some go for the big bucks right from day one, flying nothing more than the biggest engine they can buy with a single inertia dampener and a spacesuit strapped on for good measure. Your father would always look sad and shake his head when he saw them readying these suicide pods.
If you were a racer and came across a floater you were allowed to take a claim on their ship as long as you also brought the body home. The ‘Pickers’ were those kinds of racers, not aiming for a top ten position, just there to collect the scrap and sell on the engines and bring home the deceased. Most serious racers wouldn’t stop. The serious money was in the top ten positions and you would have to be an amazing pilot to ‘pick’ and still finish in the top ten.
You are a Picker, A Racer who is not in the game to win, You are in the game to salvage and sell the inevitable wrecks that occur, The parts alone are often worth a small fortune let alone the blue prints and secret intel that goes into a winning build.
If you happen tap a racer as he goes flying by and his ship wreaks, well that all part of racing...
Picker As a picker, you have a keen eye for valuable and useful items that others overlook. You know how to recognize and appraise rare or exotic materials and technology. You may have learned this skill by working as a salvage operator, thief, or trader. Your knowledge of the market and your ability to acquire valuable items make you a valuable asset to any crew.
Scavenger: You have a knack for finding useful or valuable items in unexpected places.
Appraiser: You can quickly identify and evaluate the worth of items, even if they're damaged or in poor condition.
Hoarder: You have a tendency to hold onto items that others would discard, believing that they might be useful in the future.
Risk-taker: You're willing to take chances and make bold moves to acquire valuable items, even if it means putting yourself or your team in danger.
Picker As a picker, you have a talent for finding and acquiring hard-to-find or rare items. Your exposure to a variety of cultures and technologies has given you a knack for identifying valuable items and knowing where to find them. However, your profession has also made you a target for thieves and rivals.
Treasure Hunter: You have a talent for finding and acquiring rare or valuable items, making you a valuable asset to any team seeking treasure or artifacts. Appraiser: You can quickly identify the value of an item and negotiate the best price for it. Quirks:
Hoarder: Your obsession with collecting rare and valuable items can sometimes lead you to hoard them and keep them out of circulation. Paranoia: Your profession has made you constantly suspicious of those around you, and you have a hard time trusting even your closest allies.
Picker You have a knack for finding and salvaging valuable items from junkyards, scrapyards, and abandoned buildings. You know what to look for and can spot valuable parts from a mile away. You're always on the lookout for the next big score, and you know how to turn junk into gold.