import icon from '~/components/icon.vue'
Then look no further than the Federation Of Free Traders (FOFT)! Our organization of bootleggers and free marketers offers unparalleled access to markets both legal and illegal, with a network of experienced and savvy traders at your disposal. With FOFT, you'll be able to access rare and exotic goods that others can only dream of.
But that's not all. FOFT members enjoy significant discounts on goods and services, as well as access to valuable intelligence and contacts. And if you ever find yourself in trouble, our network of allies and fellow traders will have your back.
So what are you waiting for? Join FOFT today and experience the freedom of true trade and commerce in the vast expanse of space.
FOFT, the Federation Of Free Traders, is the ultimate resource for those who know that everything has a price, and are willing to pay it. Whether you need contraband weapons, rare alien artifacts, or even a new identity, FOFT has the connections and the expertise to make it happen. As long as you're willing to pay the price, FOFT's space-faring merchants and smugglers can get you anything you desire.
Profit Above All: FOFT members must always prioritize profit above all else. This means maximizing their earnings at every opportunity, and never passing up a chance to make a sale or a trade. However, this does not mean breaking contracts or engaging in unethical behavior - FOFT members understand that long-term success depends on maintaining a reputation for honesty and reliability.
Discretion is Key: FOFT's success depends on its ability to operate in the shadows and avoid the attention of authorities or rival organizations. To this end, FOFT members must always maintain a low profile and keep their activities and clients confidential. Loose lips sink ships, as they say, and FOFT members understand the importance of discretion in their line of work.
Loyalty to the Federation: FOFT members must always put the needs of the Federation above their own personal interests. This means being willing to take risks and make sacrifices for the sake of the organization, and not engaging in any activities that could harm FOFT's reputation or operations. In return, FOFT members receive the protection and support of the Federation, as well as access to its vast network of contacts and resources.
Rank Level | Insignia | Abbr | Rank | Std Sec Level |
1 | (FRE) | Free Lancer | 1 | |
2 | (PVT) | Privateer | 1 | |
3 | (HAK) | Hawker | 1 | |
4 | (MER) | Merchant | 2 | |
5 | (BRO) | Broker | 2 | |
6 | (TDR) | Trader | 3 | |
7 | (MKT) | Marketeer | 3 | |
8 | (TYC) | Tycoon | 4 | |
9 | (IND) | Industrialist | 4 | |
10 | (EXE) | Executive | 5 |
Cost: 2 Telent Points
Maneuver Cost: 1 Action.
Requires: Rank
Duration: Passive