Buff replaces Boon a Buff is now +2 Blundered replace Bane a blunder is -2 Boons replace Bonus a Boon is now a +1d4 Banes replace Penality a Bane is now -1d4
SCIFI inventory project is going to be the largest undertaking, every item needs art and graphics. Maybe we can purchase licenes for other works to speed this up.
Science fiction contains the usual elements of the novel: a specific setting, character development, plot (central conflict, complications, climactic events, resolution), themes, and structure.
You Origin defines you race and genetic makeup. You unlock one origin Feat at Rack 1 and gain one more origin feat every odd rank there after as you unlock you true potential.
The list of 20 Common Origin Feats are available to all races, these represent the wide array of genetic diversity enjoyed by all the creatures in the CyberCore universe.
Each Origin has 10 Specific Origin Feats which are also available only to that Origin.
You will gain 5 Origin feats between Ranks 1 to 10.
Each background grants Basic Training in 2 Skills.
Each Background comes with 8 Background Knacks.
You will gain 4 Knacks before Rank 10, This includes 2 Knacks you get to select from you Background at character creation.
You begin play with 2 Ability Points to distribute across your characters abilities. You will gain 1 more ability point at each rank as you progress though the tiers.
Players gains a total of 12 Ability Increases from 1 - 10.
You begin play with basic training in Two skills that are granted by your background. Set those skills points Background Bonus(BB) to 1.
During Basic Training you will gain 12 more skill points to distribute. Excluding your Background Bonus, you can never have more skill points in any one skill than your (Rank/2 Round Up) +3. Thus when you complete basic training you should not have more than 4 skill points allocated in any one skill (Rank 1 / 2 (Rnd Up) = 1 + 3 = 4). So if you try and maximize a few skills at beast you can have Two skills at +5, 4 + 1 from your Background Bonus and Two skills at +2, As you cannot put your +1 +1 Training skill points in the same skill.
Distributing your skill points as above will lead to a very narrow character, and probably early death.
Each Skill including weapon skills have a few Tricks up their sleeves, You may wish to purchase these rather than putting even more skill points into a skill you already have a good bonus for. The Skill tricks, their requirements and costs are listed with each Skill.
Different Organizations (Corporations or Syndicates) give you access to different Skills and Talents as you rank up. It's worth looking though these lists before you sign on to ensure your character can progress and fulfill the destiny you desire.
{% file src="/../../static/assets/bkgnd2.png" %}
{% file src="./../../static/assets/bkgnd1.jpg" %}
Font used in Desktop Buttons and CYBERCORE Title splash.
Foreplayer https://www.1001freefonts.com/foreplayer.font
It will require a commercial License.
Font: TitilliumWeb
Location.: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Titillium+Web
These fonts are licensed under the Open Font License.
You can use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital, commercial or otherwise.
Used in FG terminal text.
{% file src="../.gitbook/assets/digital_7.zip" %}
FREEWARE USE (NOTES) -=================- Also you may:
You can buy font for commercial use here ($24.95): http://store.esellerate.net/s.aspx?s=STR0331655240 You may:
Source: https://game-icons.net
Icon Paths should be Transparent. Enable Stroke. Stroke with Colour: Hex: 12E049 R:18,G:224,B:73,A:100
Origins : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/transportation-rings.html
You can include html directly in your markup.