{% file src="/../../static/assets/bkgnd2.png" %}
{% file src="./../../static/assets/bkgnd1.jpg" %}
Font used in Desktop Buttons and CYBERCORE Title splash.
Foreplayer https://www.1001freefonts.com/foreplayer.font
It will require a commercial License.
Font: TitilliumWeb
Location.: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Titillium+Web
These fonts are licensed under the Open Font License.
You can use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital, commercial or otherwise.
Used in FG terminal text.
{% file src="../.gitbook/assets/digital_7.zip" %}
FREEWARE USE (NOTES) -=================- Also you may:
You can buy font for commercial use here ($24.95): http://store.esellerate.net/s.aspx?s=STR0331655240 You may:
Source: https://game-icons.net
Icon Paths should be Transparent. Enable Stroke. Stroke with Colour: Hex: 12E049 R:18,G:224,B:73,A:100
Origins : https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/transportation-rings.html
You can include html directly in your markup.